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Roundtable #2 - Addressing Parent and Early Childhood Mental Health - Moderated by Linda Mayes, MD (Live)

Part of the 2024 Virtual Roundtable Series, 
Minding the Gaps: Addressing Mental Health Through the Life Cycle 

This roundtable focuses on two- and three-generation approaches to child and parent mental health. When adults become parents, they are in a dynamic developmental phase just as their infant and child is. In this roundtable, we will discuss the developmental and mental health needs for parents during the pre and postpartum period, innovations in programs for pregnant families, and policy implications for improving access to mental health services during this critical developmental period. 

Target Audience

__X___ Introductory                X Intermediate                ______ Advanced

Learning Objectives

  1. Participants will be able to describe the developmental changes associated with the transition to parenthood. 

  2. Participants will be able to identify two mental health needs of parents during the postpartum period 

  3. Participants will be able to list two policy implications for improving access to mental health care during the prepartum and/or postpartum period. 

    Register here:

March 8

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