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IECMH: Practical Strategies to Support Attachment Relationships

About This Webinar

Throughout OneOp’s “That’s the Ticket” series, our expert presenters have covered how essential attachment relationships are for infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH)! Over the course of this series, we’ve heard your requests for more information on this important topic! Therefore, this webinar addresses what you, our participants, have asked for – implementing the information provided into practice.

This session discusses ideas, strategies, and resources for fostering healthy attachment. Presenters also share ideas for supporting, sustaining, or repairing when attachment might be disrupted, such as during deployment or in situations where a caregiver and child might be separated. Join us and add to your “attachment” toolbox with ideas for ensuring young children and families can develop and experience healthy attachment relationships.

Learning Objectives:

In this webinar we will:

  • Identify ideas, strategies, and resources for fostering healthy attachment.

  • Describe ideas for supporting, sustaining, or repairing when attachment might be disrupted.

  • Reflect on how the shared ideas, strategies, and resources can be embedded into their own practice.

    Register here:

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